Simonetto Carni butchery was found by Mario Simonetto. The founder started he was as a waiter and then as a butcher, working in different meat shops in Trentino. Despite all difficulties, and due to his tenacity and natural determinedness, he starts a business of his life and in 1953 he opens his own meat shop and then, in 1959, another one in Castenuovo.
Simonetto Carni has a perennial story of growth and success, having always clear the objective: to produce and commercialize local specialities of exceptional quality. This direction, imposed by Mario, became a point of reference also by Stefano, his son, who decided to diversify the production and added also canned products such as meat sauces with the game (hunted)
Simonetto Carni products do not contain preservatives, artificial flavourings or gluten. In the recipe, there are only precooked vegetables and natural meat broth and local wine, with adding no water.
Every single operation of the production process is supervised, starting from collecting raw materials. Meats used in these products are coming only from preselected agricultural companies with easy traceability of quality.