Amidst Monti Lattari located nearby Sorrento Gulf, where mountain winds meet ones from the sea, there’s a place with a particular microclimate created by nature, which fits perfectly for a long-term, delicate, low-temperature drying.
In XVIII-XIX centuries these climate conditions favoured openings more than few dozens of pasta fabrics in Gragnano, along ancient Corso Sancio, Piazza Trivione, Via San Marco. These places became immediately an industrial centre of the area.
In 1800’s, when Gragnano area got urbanized, it was vital to preserve wind flows, henceforth every building, road and other became parts of a greater plan of higher precision. So, the city was built in diagonal perspective which facilitated the drying of pasta along roads and on balconies using natural airflows.
The natural enthusiasm and creativeness of pasta makers pushed them to create new formats of pasta, inspired by local narratives and anecdotes about their own everyday life. This attitude gave locals a strong impulse to develop their activities.
Later, with more than a hundred factories, Gragnano reached worldwide success.
All-artisanal production with the use of top-quality raw material with use of water from local natural resources. Topped with an extraordinary delicate process of low-temperature drying, which preserves untouched characteristics of taste, color and texture of pasta.
Pasta di semola